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How a DUI Can Impact Your College Experience

College is an exciting time for any young adult. For many, it is a time for many experiences: living in a dorm, rushing a fraternity or sorority, meeting new people, cheering at sports games, going to parties, etc. For any students trying to enjoy their college experience, hopefully, one of those moments you get to live though is not being arrested for a DUI.

Driving under the influence convictions can impact your entire life. It can cost you tons in fines, require jail time, revoke your driving privileges, and more. But can it impact your college experience? The answer to this question is yes!

If you are a college student, a DUI on your record can cause you to:

  • Lose your scholarships or financial aid
  • Be kicked off of a sports team or college organization
  • Lose access to student or campus housing

It can also impact your future by:

  • Affecting your ability to pursue a degree in law, medicine, or nursing
  • Keeping you from pursuing a career in education or government
  • Keeping you from pursuing a career that needs security clearance
  • Making it difficult to get a job after college in general

If you are a college student that has been arrested for getting behind the wheel after a few too many, it is in your best interest to secure committed and reliable legal defense from a Ventura DUI defense attorney. At The Law Offices of Robert F. Sommers, our team has represented numerous students that were faced with serious penalties. We have the know-how and experience to pursue protection for your rights and future successfully.

You only get one “college experience.” You shouldn’t have it ruined by a DUI arrest or conviction. Contact our firm today by calling (805) 919-8662 and setting up a consultation with our firm.
