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5 Tips for Keeping Party Guests Safe from a DUI

Every party host hopes that their event will fall somewhere on the party spectrum closer to “party-of-the-year,” rather than “major dud.” Many party hosts keep their guests well lubricated with alcohol and booze in hopes of keeping the party mood up. Because of this, after party DUIs are a serious concern. Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s the rate of being killed by a drunk driver increase up to three times the normal rate. Our Ventura DUI defense lawyer has compiled a list of five ways you can help prevent your guests from getting a DUI without jeopardizing your party.

Help your guests avoid a DUI by:

  • Having plenty of alcohol-free options. Nobody wants to go to a party and drink water. Offering plenty of alcohol-free and tasty beverages, such as “mocktails” or “virgin-alternatives” will help your guests feel like they can still enjoy themselves while staying sober.
  • Offering a wide variety of snacks with the booze. It might seem like a great way to cut some of the costs of a party—offer the beers and hope that your guests ate dinner beforehand—but for your guests with an empty belly, a couple of beers can do a lot of damage. Offer plenty of chips, pretzels, or other goodies to keep your guests full of food and not alcohol.
  • Offering a couch to anyone that needs it. If your guests are concerned that they could be a little too buzzed to drive, offer to let them crash at your place. It is better for them (and you) to have them sleep on a sofa for a bit, rather than running the risk of getting pulled over.
  • Hiring a bartender. Paying someone to be responsible for the drinks and keep an eye on how much everyone is consuming? Yes, please. Also, allow them to cut people off who have had a little too much, that way you don’t have to.
  • Not being afraid to intervene. If you have a guest that is too drunk to drive, don’t be afraid to stop them. It is better to get involved than to stand idly by. Sure, your drunk friend might be pissed at you for a while, but that is far better than allowing them to get behind the wheel and have something worse happen.

For more information on DUIs in Ventura or how you can seek legal help for an arrest, contact The Law Offices of Robert F. Sommers today!
